More water = stronger community
Through its community impact programs and construction of the new SwimHershey Aquatic Center, SwimHershey will complement local pool facilities, re-establish 50 Meter training water in our area and provide greater aquatics access and opportunity to thousands of hopeful athletes - at no cost to the local taxpayer.
In partnership with the Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC), SwimHershey is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose mission is to provide greater aquatic education, access, and community impact programs to Derry Township and the regional community, especially those less fortunate where we live and work.
Creating the SwimHershey Aquatic Center is central to fulfilling our mission, which is designed to complement pool facilities with different designs in the community, close the critical gap of developmental water in the region, bring the life sport of swimming to more residents, and allow greater access and opportunity to sports beyond competitive swimming, including underserved aquatics activities such as Artistic Swimming, Water Polo, and Diving.
bringing Water for all, now
The statistics on drowning are staggering. Drowning is still the leading cause of death for kids under 5 and the second leading cause for kids under 14. Drowning impacts all demographics but hits much more disproportionately those from lower income households.
Consistent with SwimHershey’s goals of aquatics education, social impact, and greater aquatic access in the region, a SwimHershey community outreach aquatics program has been chartered to implement a permanent regional Learn To Swim program focused on providing critical aquatic instruction to economically disadvantaged youth in our community.
We are currently engaged with area school districts, governing bodies like USA Swimming, educational institutions, community-oriented nonprofits, and corporations on this exciting program!
We anticipate these free-of-charge, grant-driven pilot programs reaching kids most in need, in alliance with our local facility partners, BEFORE SWIMHERSHEY IS BUILT!
partnering for the greater good
Through SwimHershey-proposed partnerships and focus on community aquatics it is our aim that all area programs and facilities, including those in Derry Township, grow and become more successful—TOGETHER—than any one organization could alone.
SwimHershey Aquatics Center
We are designing an aquatics facility like no other in our region! A state-of-the-art hub where swimming, diving, water polo, and artistic swimming athletes and the local community can thrive.
This facility will include deeper, colder development and competition water which will primarily support older age-group youth and adults with developmental swim programs, water safety activities and aquatic sports. As with similar successful models nationally, it is designed to complement and support local existing community water which is designed for early learn to swim and leisure aquatics activities.
Our two-bulkhead, 50 Meter design allows for a barrier between simultaneous activities, and the increase in water opens the door for Paralympics and Special Olympics training and new sports not possible in current local facilities.
partners and ambassadors
SwimHershey has partnered with local, state, and national industry leaders and our Athlete Ambassadors eager to bring life-enhancing aquatic opportunities to our community and the greater region.
Want to know more?
For more information on SwimHershey partnership opportunities and our community-based mission, visit our Frequently Asked Questions page or email: info@swimhershey.org.